UNICEF Extends Investment in 6 Blockchain Start-ups

UNICEF Extends Investment in 6 Blockchain Start-ups

UNICEF’s investment in blockchain startups extends its mission and also underscores the particularity of scenarios where blockchain promises to be the optimal solution. by Mary K. Pratt Most patients in Mexico get handwritten prescriptions on paper slips. It’s an outdated method of relaying sensitive medical information, rife with inefficiencies and potential security issues. Clinicians can’t…

What Is a Security Token Offering (STO)?

What Is a Security Token Offering (STO)?

1.  What is an STO? 2. How is an STO different from an ICO? 3. How is an STO different from an IPO? 4. How are STOs defined and regulated around the world? 5. Are all governments open to the idea of STOs? 6. What are the advantages of an STO? 7. What are the…

4 Promising Use Cases Of Blockchain In Cybersecurity

4 Promising Use Cases Of Blockchain In Cybersecurity

2018 was a rocky year security-wise. Governments, universities, power companies and ‘big name’ entreprises became victims of elaborate hacks. This year, 75% of CEOs and board members name cybersecurity and technology acquisitions among their top priorities. Blockchain-based solutions are among the commonly considered options. And not just among business leaders. Recently, NASA decided to implement…

ATM Hacking Has Gotten So Easy, the Malware’s a Game

ATM Hacking Has Gotten So Easy, the Malware’s a Game

As long as there are ATMs, hackers will be there to drain them of money. Although ATM-targeted “jackpotting” malware—which forces machines to spit out cash—has been on the rise for several years, a recent variation of the scheme takes that concept literally, turning the machine’s interface into something like a slot machine. One that pays…

Solar Power Stations In Space – Sending Energy To Earth

Solar Power Stations In Space – Sending Energy To Earth

Plans for first Chinese solar power station in space revealed By Kirsty Needham – February 15, 2019 – The Sydney Morning Herald Beijing: China is taking its renewable energy push to new heights, with scientists revealing plans to build the first solar power station in space. A solar power station orbiting the earth at 36,000 kilometres…

Die Trend-Themen der Berater 2016-2018

Die Trend-Themen der Berater 2016-2018

von Mathias Brandt am 20.02.2019 Womit beschäftigen sich eigentlich Unternehmensberatungen? Um diese Frage zu beantworten, haben Statista-Analysten 162 Whitepaper und Artikel führender Beratungsunternehmen – unter anderem Accenture, Boston Consulting, McKinsey – aus den letzten Jahren ausgewertet. Davon drehten sich 36 Publikationen (22,2 Prozent) um das Thema Digitale Transformation. Auf Platz zwei und drei folgen Personalstrategie und…

Supply Chain Attacks Nearly Doubled in 2018

Supply Chain Attacks Nearly Doubled in 2018

By Ionut Arghire on February 20, 2019 The number of supply chain attacks observed last year was 78% higher compared to the previous year, a new Symantec report reveals.  Aiming to compromise a target by exploiting third-party services and software, supply chain attacks take many forms, including the hijacking of software updates to inject malicious…

German Government Consults Industry About Blockchain Technology

German Government Consults Industry About Blockchain Technology

The German government is consulting companies and industry groups that could become stakeholders in the country’s blockchain development, Reuters reports on Feb. 18. The unnamed companies and groups have reportedly been invited to supply recommendations from this week onwards. Reuters also cites unspecified government sources saying that it is still unclear if those recommendations will…

Blockstream Publishes Schnorr-Based Test Code for Bitcoin Blockchain Upgrade

Blockstream Publishes Schnorr-Based Test Code for Bitcoin Blockchain Upgrade

The Schnorr-based multi-signature scheme MuSig, a test code for a potential upgrade to the Bitcoin (BTC) blockchain, has been released by blockchain tech firm Blockstream, according to an announcement published on Feb. 18. Last January, four Bitcoin developers released a paper outlining how Schnorr multi-signatures (‘multisig’) could help scale the Bitcoin blockchain, saying that the…

Blockchain’s New Civil Aviation Application

Blockchain’s New Civil Aviation Application

[Tip: this is not really “Blockchain”, when “permissioned” is part of the deal. Defeats the purpose and violates core principles of Blockchain.] Blockchain technology has a wide range of applications. Currently, it is tested as a means to ensure the privacy and security of aircraft flight data. NASA claims that blockchain networks and smart contracts…

IBM Partners With Boehringer Ingelheim to Test “Blockchain” in Clinical Recordkeeping

IBM Partners With Boehringer Ingelheim to Test “Blockchain” in Clinical Recordkeeping

[Hyperledger Fabric as a base is not a true Blockchain infrastructure] The Canadian unit of American tech giant IBM has partnered with pharmaceutical company Boehringer Ingelheim to deploy “blockchain” in clinical recordkeeping, according to a press release published on Feb. 12. The cooperation between the two companies aims to test whether the integration of blockchain…

Buterin-Proposed Constantinople Ethereum Feature Allegedly Introduces Attack Vector

Buterin-Proposed Constantinople Ethereum Feature Allegedly Introduces Attack Vector

Ethereum (ETH) co-founder Vitalik Buterin has proposed a new smart contract creation function dubbed “Create2.” This function reportedly introduces a new attack vector to the platform, according to a post on the Ethereum developers forum Ethereum Magicians published on Feb. 8. According to a Medium post by software developer Tim Cotten, the original create function…

Russia to Implement Blockchain Tech in University Exam for Education Quality Control

Russia to Implement Blockchain Tech in University Exam for Education Quality Control

The Russian Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Education and Science, (Rosobrnadzor) will implement blockchain technology in the country’s main graduation examination, major Russian news agency TASS reports Feb. 5. Starting this year, Rosobrnadzor intends to implement blockchain technology in the Unified State Exam (USE), which is the only form of graduation examinations…