Entrepreneur in Residence
Cyber and Information Space Command (KdoCIR) German Armed Forces
17 MAY 2017 to 26 OCT 2018
Berlin, Germany
With twenty years experience in CyberWarfare, having shaped the definition and technologies of ExoWarfare starting ten years ago (2008), and now defining and developing the tools for HyperWarfare, I had the opportunity for eighteen months as a member of the (German) military (reservist soldier, Cyber Command) to participate in, and contribute to, all areas perceived publicly as “hot” (i.e. everything ‘cyber’) and critical for the future of defense and conflict resolution: KdoCIR, CIH, CIT, and ADIC.
Advising on behalf of the Cyber and Information Space Command (KdoCIR)
- September to October 2018 – Cyber Agency / “Agentur für Disruptive Innovationen in der Cybersicherheit und Schlüsseltechnologien“ (ADIC: Aufbaustab, Aufstellungsstab)
Advising the Ministry of Defense (BMVg, in Berlin) in various areas of my fields of expertise to help shape the future technical focus of the newly formed cyber agency
- April to September 2018 – Cyber Information Technology Department (CIT)
Advising the Cyber Information Technology Department (CIT) in various areas of my fields of expertise at the Ministry of Defense (BMVg) in Berlin - May 2017 to March 2018 – Cyber Innovation Hub (CIH) – Rapid Innovation Team
Senior technical and entrepreneurial resource at the Cyber Innovation Hub (CIH, Berlin) to get it off the ground in its start phase.
Strategy & Rapid Innovation in the areas of:
- Blockchain
- Quantum Computing
- CyberWarfare, ExoWarfare, HyperWarfare
- … et alteros
Main Focus:
Shaping defenses against current and future cyber threats, and accelerating innovation to our soldiers.
See also: Cyber Agency ADIC Announcement – Cyber Defense Plans with ADIC – ADIC Introduction
See also: CIH announcement DoD and in the press
See also: CIR Announcement APR 2017
See also: CIT Announcement OCT 2016
See also: creation of the US Cyber Command in May 2010, as part of US Strategic Command, headquartered at NSA HQ in Fort Meade, Maryland; meanwhile elevated to the 10th Unified Combatant Command.
Contributing to:
- NATO ACT Innovation Lab
- MD5 (US DoD) – as of May 2019 the National Security Innovation Network (NSIN)
- Defensewerx (aka Doolittle Institute – 2012; see also: Rebranding Announcement AUG 2017)
- Sofwerx (USSOCOM; see also: Announcement JUN 2016 – operated by Defensewerx)
- AFwerx (see also: Announcement JAN 2018)
- US Army TRADOC Mad Scientist Community
Due to the sensitivity and the classified nature of military cyber work, the pictures shown below are either public domain, have been properly publicly published elsewhere before, or are authorized press release pictures from various official sources for the purpose of informing the public (in various locations). While these show ‘stuff’ relevant to my work, for this job do not expect any revealing media surprises here:
Jacques Tati: „Das Militär ist eine Pflanze, die man sorgfältig pflegen muss, damit sie keine Früchte trägt.“
see also (15 NOV 2019): https://www.bgp4.com/2019/11/15/cyberagentur-kommt-mit-strengen-auflagen/
see also (mid-2019): https://www.bgp4.com/2019/07/06/agentur-fur-cyberwaffen-adic-spd-bremst-von-der-leyens-prestigeprojekt-aus/

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