erasys GmbH - Berlin / PlanetRomeo BV - Amsterdam CTO (Chief Technology Officer)
November 2012 - October 2013
Assessment and Development of Advanced Internet Technologies for - the leader in its niche social media markets in Europe and Asia.
erasys GmbH is the exclusive service provider to maintain and develop the platform, which is served out of data centers in the Netherlands.
Tasked with the design of the big picture and its detailed fulfillment plans to take the organization, system platform, and its emerging OPS and DEVOPS Teams to the leading edge, and make them ready for the next decade:
- Internet Presence / Autonomous System Plan & Implementation - Redundancy and Scalability on all levels - Systems & Network Design - Operations Management - Staffing & IT Personnel - Establishment of Performance Standards and SLAs for Platform: Mobile & Desktop Clients - Software Development with multiple Scrum Teams - Participation and Advisory Role in Product Content and Feature Development - Implementation of a cross-border Business Intelligence solution (NL/D) for data mining & analysis